Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Ella's (of S.H.E) Grandfather Passed Away

Ella posted this on her personal blog:


Ella and Grandpa ChenYes, that's right. My grand father has passed away, very peacefully and quietly without any pains. Since I was young, my grand father never once hit us(grandchildren), and seldom scold us as well. He treats his grandchildren very well. When I just got into my junior college, my grandfather would pick me up from school. This is one of the most memorable times I have had with my grandfather. My grand dad is very blessed, hence, God did not let him suffer any pains for a long time. Thanks to everyone for your concern. I'm good, because I believe, my grand dad will bless us from Heaven!.

Click here to read more on this story.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so sad for her. I'm sure her grandfather is in heaven right now. I hope he had with great times with the angels. I'm a fan of him when I watched the series Hana Kimi, I hope she had more series to come. Let's pray for her grandfather.
Movers Irvine